This virtual event will take place Wednesday, November 18 from 7 to 9 p.m. The online event will give you a chance to get to know the more than 20 authors taking part as they talk about the books they have for sale. You’ll have all the fun of attending a book fair and none of the worry about social-distancing.
Keep checking back for updates as we add more authors to the list

Barrie Doyle
Musick for the King
The incredible true story of George Frederick Handel’s struggle to compose and produce The Messiah becomes entertaining and powerful novel. www.barriedoyle.com

Robert White
Christmas With Hot Apple Cider
Christmas with Hot Apple Cider: Stories from the Season of Giving and Receiving is an eclectic collection of true stories, short fiction, and poetry that features the short story “No Room?” stonechurchesofdowntownguelph@gmail.com

Ann-Margret Hovsepian
Restore My Soul: A Coloring Book Devotional Journey
Devotional (or Colouring Books)
Restore My Soul is a beautiful, interactive devotional designed to celebrate our unique creativity and connect us with the ultimate Creator. Find refreshment in short reflections on Scripture and be inspired as you color accompanying intricate illustrations created for meditation and prayer. Both contemplative and imaginative, Restore My Soul is the perfect space for the artist in us all. www.annhovsepian.com / ann@annhovsepian.com

Josh Tiessen
Josh Tiessen: A Decade of Inspiration
Hardcover coffee table art monograph
The story and art of Josh Tiessen, the only known male art prodigy in North America, are presented for the first time in this 200-page hardcover coffee table monograph, featuring over 60 full-colour original works of art and their accompanying stories, which reflect Tiessen’s love for God’s creation. With design and layout by Tiessen, the book itself is a beautiful keepsake and makes a great gift for artists, art-lovers, and anyone interested in a story of finding artistic inspiration amidst adversity. www.joshtiessen.com/book / info@joshtiessen.com

Janis Cox
Tadeo Turtle
Children from birth to 7
Tadeo (TAHD-ay-OH) Turtle longs to be different. Through an adventure find out how Tadeo learns to accept how God created him. There are activities in the back of the book and more activities on the author’s website: www.janiscox.com. Children need to know they are special. Tadeo helps them see clearly that they were created perfectly just how they are made. Watercolour pictures by the author. https://www.janiscox.com/bookstore/

Ruth Smith Meyer
Chains of Shame
Chains of Shame, tackles a very sensitive, largely ignored subject matter of husband abuse with great sensitivity and empathy. Abuse is a fact, and children who are the victims of abuse often become abusers in adulthood or continue to be victims. Ben’s and Alma’s reactions to their childhood ill-treatment takes them in different directions and results in a dysfunctional family. smithmeyerbooks@gmail Smith Meyer Books on facebook https://smith-meyer-books.myshopify.com/

Janet Sketchley
Tenacity at Christmas: 31 Daily Devotions for December
Nonfiction: Christmas Devotional Book
Need a little daily encouragement this December? Give yourself five minutes and pour a cup of your favourite hot beverage. Let’s read a Bible verse or two and remind ourselves of the Reason for the Season. In your busyness and life circumstances, good or bad…In your relationships, sweet or strained…These short, uplifting readings will strengthen your spirit and inspire your heart. May this Christmas season bring at least one new treasured memory, and may you be blessed to be a blessing. Available in ebook and print. Print version includes prayer journal pages. https://janetsketchley.ca/books/tenacity-at-christmas-31-daily-devotions-for-december/
LD Stauth

Snowsqualls and Missing Elves (Lighthouse Landing Trilogy #3)
Mystery/Romantic Suspense
From the moment Coral Prescott encountered the agitated man, warning bells dinged. Why wouldn’t Officer Luke Degroot trust her intuitions? Compelled by an inner urging, Coral set out to search for the missing elves in a twenty-thousand-acre swamp … alone … and weaponless. Fear clawed it’s way up Detective Jace Kelly’s throat. Why had she taken such a foolhardy risk? Darkness closing in and bad weather hampering, Jace was frantic to locate Coral and the missing twins. Was the swamp truly haunted as his partner Luke feared? If something happened to Coral, Jace didn’t know how he’d ever survive.
ldstauth@gmail.com / www.amazon.ca / www.facebook.com/ldstauth.8/ / www.ldstauth-author.com/

Ruth L. Snyder
Equipped: Ephesians 6 Devotionals to Empower and Make You Victorious in Everyday Struggles
Adult Devotional
Is spiritual warfare real? Are you aware of how you’re being attacked? If so, what can you do about it? Equipped takes a detailed look at God, at our enemy, and at our response. Everyday struggles happen, but you can be victorious. In Africa, people believe in spirit beings. Witch doctors cast spells. People dance barefoot over red-hot coals without being burned. Spiritual warfare is obvious. In other cultures, the spiritual battle is not so evident. Still, it is very real. Homes are divided by discord and divorce. Parents are overly busy. Children are lured into drugs and sex-trafficking. Churches are complacent and powerless. Is there hope? Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10 NIV). What’s stopping you from living life to the full? Read Equipped. Become aware. Put on your spiritual armour as described in Ephesians six. Stand firm. Pray. https://ruthlsnyder.com / ruth@ruthlsnyder.com

Angela C Charles
When God is Silent
Naomi Sullivan has all the visible trappings of success, but her life is a mess. As a wife and mother, she tries to navigate her way through the storms that threaten to overwhelm and plunge her into darkness. Her husband, Peter, a successful lawyer, is dealing with the consequences of a temporary lapse in judgement. Their only hope for happiness is to find a way to heal the rift and mend the marriage. As Naomi faces one tragic event after another, instead of leaning more on God, she pulls further and further away, to the point of despair. Will Naomi learn to forgive? Will she renew her faith and find hope for tomorrow? When God is Silent is a passionate story of redemption, forgiveness, hope and second chances. www.angelacharlesauthor.com / acharles05@gmail.com

Laurie Haughton
Through the Lens of Motherhood
It wasn’t supposed to unfold this way. Raising kinds was to be all about playdates at the park, kitchen-table crafts, with the odd scraped knee and late-night stomach flu posing the greatest threat. It was to be a great adventure, not a terrifying ordeal. In a daily battle on the frontlines for the life of her son, Laurie Haughton faces a parent’s worst nightmare: a critically ill child. Expecting their first child and dreaming of the future, Laurie and her husband Tim were stopped in their tracks when a 20 week ultra sound and fetal echocardiogram revealed that their son had a rare complex congenital heart defect that made survival unlikely. Trusting in God and committing young Joshua to him, they continue the pregnancy and, after Joshua’s arrival, walked through multiple surgeries and terrifying moments. Through her blog and in these pages, Laurie transparently shares the raw anger, fragile hope, and crushing disappointment that were her constant companions for years. She shares her journey in a way that is real, hard-hitting, inspiring and even humorous. Readers will witness faithfulness of God in the lives of his servants as they continually bring their hearts to him. A story that acknowledges the lack of easy answers yet the presence of God in their lives. Through the Lens of Motherhood will touch lives, inspire faith, and encourage understanding of those who walk through some of life’s darkest valley’s. https://lensofmotherhood.blogspot.com/p/order-book.html

Eunice Cooper-Matchett
Behind Her Name
Christian Fiction
Pain from a beating ebbs in days, but emotional abuse lingers a lifetime. In a few short years, Sage Bush become a best-selling author, traveled the world, and built the home she’d dreamed of owning all her life. But in one moment at a book signing event, three teenagers unknowingly sent her world on a one-way collision course. Physical and emotional wounds from an abusive parent and the bulling she’d suffered in school she’d safely hidden in a vault somewhere in her subconscious broke loose, threatening her life as she knew it until one of her worst teenage tormentors helped her find healing. https://albertastoryteller.com

Glynis M Belec
Jesus Loves Me When I Dance
Juvenile Picture Book
The sweetness and innocence of childhood echoes throughout the precious photo illustrations and the gentle rhythm of JESUS LOVES ME WHEN I DANCE. Turn each page and celebrate Jesus through the eyes of a child. Whether in stripy socks, boots or shoes with ‘Jesus love’ we’ll never lose! www.glynismbelec.com

Sally Meadows
Beneath That Star
Children’s Picture Book ages 5-9
Saray longs to be a shepherd just like her three older brothers. But when God speaks to her in a dream to look out for and follow the bright star, what she finds underneath it is of far greater value than anything she could ever have imagined. An uplifting story for all ages about obedience, patience, trust, healing, and above all, God’s immeasurable love for each one of us. For more of Sally’s award-winning/nominated children’s books, visit https://sallymeadows.com/store.

Tandy Balson
Another Perspective
Creative Non-Fiction, Inspirational Adult
“Tandy is a master at turning the everyday into an inspiration in such a relatable way. In this book she shares from her own personal experiences in a way that is open and vulnerable, as well as captivating and motivational. She has a gift for finding a nugget of wisdom in each experience. This is a book that can be read many times, as its lessons will continue to unfold with each reading.” https://www.timewithtandy.com / tandy@timewithtandy.com

Lynne Collier
Abundant Life – If you see it does it exist?
Christian Suspense
Maddie wants nothing more than a quiet, peaceful life in her small Canadian town but her husband is getting bored with his early retirement and searches for a project that will pocket him a few extra dollars for a trip abroad. He accepts an invitation from a newcomer to the church who has been talking about an innovative business opportunity. When Maddie gets drawn into the marketing group, she begins to see things which shouldn’t be happening and fears she may be losing her mind but others suspect it may be something much worse. https://lynnecollier.com/ / lynnecollierauthor@gmail.com

Grace Wulff
Words of Faith to Live By
This little spiral-bound book is designed to be a devotional guide, to reflect, to pray, to journal, even to colour! It began as a monthly resource for a support group for women with cancer, but I soon realized that it could be shared with many. I have found it helpful to pick a word for each year, and reflect on that word throughout the year. This devotional guide breaks it down to 12 words: a word for each month, or you could dwell on a word each day, if you choose. There are verses for each word, and I like to choose a verse each week to think about. However you use this resource, my prayer is that it will encourage you and be a reminder of God’s faithful words to each of us. www.gracewulff.com

Sara Davison
Lost Down Deep, book one of The Rose Tattoo Trilogy
Inspirational Romantic Suspense
BCC: She is the only one who can tell the police who attacked her in her home. If only she could remember …Summer Velasquez is on the run from a man she has no recollection of after an attack she can’t recall. Every face in the crowd is a potential suspect, so how is Summer supposed to know who is a threat to her and who isn’t? After fleeing her assailant and the parents who lied to her about what happened, she changes her name and seeks refuge in Elora, Ontario. The small town feels familiar, although she has no memory of ever having been here. Even in what should be a safe place, she can’t shake the feeling that she is being watched. When Ryan Taylor strolls into the Taste of Heaven Café where she works, Summer is immediately drawn to him. However, he may not be who he says he is either. As her suspicions grow, Summer prepares to run again. But at least one person is determined to stop her. Permanently. And if she can’t remember who he is, this time he may succeed. www.saradavison.org saradavison@bell.net

Barbara Heagy
10 – A Story of Love, Life, and Loss
Inspirational memoir/cancer journey/love story
10 – A Story of Love, Life, and Loss is the true story of a couple in midlife who found each other and then, after receiving a cancer diagnosis, learned to face losing each other. Their story is a reminder to all of us to live life with gratitude and zest, fulfilling all our hearts’ desires in the time we are given. barb_mcquarrie@hotmail.com / www.facebook.com/barbaraheagywriter

Donna Mann
Discover your Story: Family History or Memoir
Non-fiction, 12 and up
Are you wanting to discover a story? Whether you’re looking deep within your memory or considering someone’s life – you will find your way in this book. https://www.donnamann.org/carolynwilkerdiscoveryourstory.html / ddmann@bell.net https://www.donnamann.org / cari.edit@rogers.com https://www.carolynwilker.ca

Carolyn R. Wilker
Sophie and the Giant Boy
Picture book for children, age 3-7
Sophie’s biggest thrill is to swing as high as she can and let her imagination fly! When a giant boy tumbles into her back yard, she is neither imagining it nor is she afraid. Instead she is glad to find a friend. The fun begins when Sophie does what she can to to help the giant boy who is lost, hungry and tired. https://www.carolynwilker.ca/ / cari.edit@rogers.com

Susan Harris
Touched By Eternity: A True Story of Heaven, Healing, and Angels.
Most people have to imagine what Heaven would be like. Susan Harris doesn’t have to imagine. She knows. Not once, not twice, but three times she has entered the other life, and came back to tell about it.
On October 16th, 1998, at thirteen weeks pregnant Susan collapsed in her doctor’s office. Immediately she found herself walking on green grass in Heaven. On November 3rd, 2015 while in hospital she tunneled up to Eternity and witnessed divine mysteries of God. On June 24th, 2017, in the aftermath of dental surgery she is rendered unconscious and crosses to the other side as Jesus, the Light of the World, approached her.
Touched By Eternity invites readers into the dramatic and awe-inspiring accounts of Susan’s miraculous healings— two of which occurred in Heaven—visions, including one of Hell, and encounters with angels. Together with the insights she received from her visits, the reader is lifted on a faith-filled and inspirational journey as none other recorded. This book will bring hope to the broken, challenge skeptics, and enthrall believers. A must read for anyone longing to know more of the life that awaits us. https://www.susanharris.ca / susan@susanharris.ca

Marcia Lee Laycock
Christmas and Love in the Room
Short stories and Devotionals
Love in the Room, is a collection of 30 devotionals centred on the Christmas theme, plus 2 pieces that deal with looking forward to the New Year. Most are reflections on my own experiences, like a story about the time my son-in-law put a specific set of baseball cards on his Christmas wish list. Or the time God and I had a conversation in my car as I drove home after sitting at a Christmas market where I sold only two books.
Christmas is a collection of 4 short stories, which have also appeared in various publications. Two of these stories, which are set in the far north, in Dawson City, Yukon, have won awards from the Word Guild and InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. These are 2 slim little books that can easily fit into a Christmas stocking, like this one. They’d make great gifts for the readers on your list this year. marcia@marcialeelaycock.com / www.marcialeelaycock.com