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Arts Connection - Kev Morse In the Blood CD cover

So tap into my vein/And strike the mother lode/it’s all in my genetic code/This is the way You’ve made me/It’s in my blood/It’s what I’ve made of. “In the Blood” by Kev Morse (copyright 2014)

The more I listen to this CD, the more I find in it to like. Kev Morse, a singer/songwriter from Milton, Ontario (just west of Toronto) has tapped into a musical vein and produced gems that run the gamut from folk, blues, R & B and rock.

Morse has been part of the central Ontario indie scene since his days with Greytown (whose single “My Life as an Office Clerk” found rotation on Much Music’s Indie Street). When not performing solo, Morse is also part of The Great Wooden Trio.

It’s his work as a singer, songwriter and guitarist that shines through his newest CD, In the Blood right from the up-beat folk-rock opening number “Happy Ever After” to the final number, the sweet duet “Trust of a Child.” Morse is a thoughtful songwriter, tackling subjects like commitment in marriage (“Happy Ever After”), prevailing through trials (“Smile”) and repentance (“Turn it Around”).

If, however, you’re looking for explicit Christian lyrics, In the Blood isn’t the CD for you. If, however, you want songs that look at life from a Christian perspective and convey the Truth thoughtfully and truthfully, then you’ll find yourself turning to this CD time and time again.

In the Blood is a true musical gem that sparkles with originality. Give it a listen.

(To listen to an interview where Kev Morse talks about the CD, check out: http://selawministries.ca/content/arts-connection-monday-february-9-2015-kev-morse-new-cd-blood)